
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Boating is the one activity that you think would be stress-free and enjoyable. Not so, according to many women who participate in this activity with their spouse or significant other. Many women have reported that they are “useless” when it comes to helping launch the boat.

Some women report they are able to drive the vehicle and trailer back to the parking area after the launch but when it comes to backing the trailer down the ramp, forget about it! They do not have the confidence and skills necessary to do this one thing that could speed up the time it takes to launch the boat. In addition, almost every gal that I have talked to has told me that their husbands, or boyfriends, are not patient enough to teach them the fine art of backing up a trailer. And if they have at least tried to teach them, the lesson has usually ended in tears, yelling or both!

When we were approached by and Chevy to partner with them on a Women and Trailering Clinic, we were excited to jump on board! What an opportunity for these women to get behind the wheel and practice backing up a boat and trailer while receiving tips from patient instructors.
Some women came at the urging of their husbands, while others came to learn so they could surprise their significant other at the next boat launch with their new found skill. Each participant received a trailering and launch checklist to help them remember the proper steps to ensure a successful trailering and launch of the boat.

We are planning on doing another trailering clinic as there were quite a few ladies who weren’t able to make this one. We are also looking into doing a hands-on launching clinic later this summer. Learn how to launch a boat off a trailer and bring your boat back on the trailer! Stay tuned to or “like” us on Facebook for up-to-date information on events.